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AMK-tutkinnot, päiväopinnot

Bachelor of Health Care | Public Health Nurse | full-time studies

LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu, paikassa Lappeenranta

Mukana syksyn yhteishaussa (28.8.–11.9.2024)
Mukana syksyn yhteishaussa (28.8.–11.9.2024)
4 vuotta
tammikuu 2025 katso lisätiedot
Hakuaika: Syksyn yhteishaku (28.8.–11.9.2024)

Mukana syksyn yhteishaussa (28.8.–11.9.2024)
Mukana syksyn yhteishaussa (28.8.–11.9.2024)
4 vuotta
tammikuu 2025 katso lisätiedot
Hakuaika: Syksyn yhteishaku (28.8.–11.9.2024)
Katso lisätietoja oppilaitoksen sivuilta

Bachelor of Health Care | Public Health Nurse | full-time studies

Bachelor of Health Care | Public Health Nurse

Public Health Nurse – a promoter of public health

As a Public Health Nurse, you can promote the health, functional capacity, and well-being of people and families of different ages in a wide range of areas. You can identify clients and their families who are part of risk groups. You support and help them and guide them to the necessary help resources.

At LAB University of Applied Sciences, in the Public Health Nurse degree programme, you will gain qualifications as both a Registered Nurse and a Public Health Nurse. As a Registered Nurse, you can work in all areas of medical care.

The job opportunities of a Public Health Nurse are versatile

Based on theoretical learning and clinical training, the Public Health Nurse is a versatile expert in public health nursing, general nursing, and preventive health care. After graduation, you can work for example in: 

  • maternity and children's counselling
  • health care for school-aged children and adolescents
  • occupational health care
  • home nursing care.

After graduating as a Public Health Nurse, you can also apply for nursing positions in both public and private medical care units and organizations. The education provides excellent skills for working abroad and the opportunity to work as an entrepreneur. After completing the Bachelor of Health Care degree programme in Public Health Nursing, you can work either as a Public Health Nurse or a Registered Nurse (RN) throughout the European Union.

Theoretical studies and clinical training

A large part of Registered Nurse and Public Health Nurse studies is clinical training in a genuine nursing environment. You will do clinical practice in hospitals, sheltered housing, schools, mental health services, maternity clinics etc.

Clinical training requires you to study full-time. You may not be able to find all your clinical placements in Lappeenranta. You might need to move to another city for a few weeks. These costs are not included in the academic year fee, so you must pay them yourself.

Teaching takes place on campus approximately five days a week. You will find out the course timetables at the start of the semester.

Structure of studies

Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nurse, 240 ECTS

  • Common studies 13 ECTS
  • Professional core competence 82 ECTS
  • Clinical training 80 ECTS
  • Complementary studies (public health nursing) 50 ECTS
  • Thesis 15 ECTS

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

tammikuu 2025

  • Lähiopetus
  • Lappeenranta
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Syksyn yhteishaku (28.8.–11.9.2024)


Apply through the joint application at

Tutkinto / todistus

Bachelor of Health Care

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LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu syntyi halusta uudistaa korkeakoulutusta ja työelämää – tehdä työstä merkityksellisempää. Haluttiin parempi työelämä, ja sitä varten tarvittiin parempi ammattikorkeakoulu. LAB aloitti toimintansa 1.1.2020, kun Lahden ja Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulut yhdistyivät. LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu on työelämän innovaatiokorkeakoulu, joka toimii Lahdessa, Lappeenrannassa ja verkossa. LAB tarjoaa...

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