Wearable Intelligence | Master of Engineering
Transform the smart future with intelligent wearables.
Wearable Intelligence programme is the first International Master's Degree Programme in the field of Wearable Intelligence including Smart Textiles and Exoskeleton Robotics organized by three Fenno-Scandinavian Universities. The market for wearable technology, including wearable intelligence devices and smart textiles, has evolved significantly over the last ten years. Modern society and industry are seeking intelligent wearable solutions to support people physically, mentally, and socially.
In this programme you gain insight into wearable technology such as smart textiles and exoskeleton robotics, and you have the opportunity to become an expert in this field. You learn to design and innovate new textile processes and understand how to embed technology into garments. You learn to innovate and design wearable and intelligent products and understand the design principles from the user’s functional, emotional, and social perspectives. In addition, you understand the principles of platform economy and marketing in commercializing your product. You learn to innovate and design human-robot systems. You also learn to understand how to use design control systems in wearable and soft robotics.
Structure of studies
The aimed course load is 90 ECTS, which consists of 60 ECTS profiling studies and 30 ECTS master's thesis. Profiling studies consist of the following five modules:
- Changing Operational Environment and Research-based Development 10 ECTS (The module is designed and implemented by HAMK)
- Wearable Intelligence and Biosensors in Human Performance 11,5 ECTS (The module is designed and implemented by HAMK)
- Introduction to Smart Textiles 10 ECTS (The module is designed and implemented by Borås)
- Smart Textile Product Development 13,5 ECTS (The module is designed and implemented by Borås)
- Embodied AI 15 ECTS (The module is designed and implemented by SDU)
A master's thesis (30 credits) is a research-based development task on a topic suitable for the degree programme and is based on both theoretical and work-based knowledge. Your thesis aims at solving a question or challenge arising from the world of work, and it is based on research-based development activities.
Seuraavat toteutukset
You can apply through direct Application 2025 in studyinfo.fi.
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Engineering
Ota yhteyttä
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulusta löydät kolme eri opiskelutapaa
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